Relocation F.A.Q.'s
Thank you for sharing your questions and concerns with us as we pray about changing the location of our Sunday morning gatherings. Here are some answers to the questions we have been receiving.
Has a decision already been made to move from 51 N. Market street to 344 W. Chestnut street?
The decision to relocate as a church has not been decided. The priority at this time is to involve everyone who calls Living Faith their home to engage in prayer and dialogue regarding our missional purpose and impact in the city of Lancaster. As an expressional church we value every individual as an expression of Christ and will always hold this as the highest priority. Our purpose as a church is to create a place where everyone who chooses to participate as a testimony to God's glory is equipped, empowered and released to effectively do so.
Why are we considering this move?
The reason we are considering relocating is complex. Some of the more obvious reasons include our use of finances and the applied use of personal gifts. In our current location we have resource shortfalls that include finances, volunteer time, and facility space. These are not independent from one another.
Financially, to meet our minimum budget here at Market 51, we need to generate an additional $3500 per month. This can of course be done multiple ways which involve an increase in giving and/or decrease in costs. One way to increase giving is to grow numerically. To grow numerically we need more volunteer participation (time) and space allowance. Based on our current attendance, financial projections, volunteer time, and current facility usage we are limited in the way we can do this and still effectively serve one another and our city.
Another option presented is to relocate. First Church is offering us shared occupancy free of cost in exchange for only shared housekeeping duties. This move may enable Living Faith as a church of many voices, many passions, and many talents to use our current resources more intentionally while creating space for others to know Jesus and participate in community in a deeper way.
By intentionally reorganizing our resources, it is our hope that we can establish multiple expressions of ministry not currently being shared. These include more opportunities for our kids, community engagement, service projects and more. Regardless, whether we relocate or stay where we are, unity is our highest goal. This is why we are proceeding to include everyone in the making this decision.
Will we merge with First Church of God?
A merger is NOT being discussed at this time. At this time the outlined goals are to create space for both churches to share resources to increase health and global impact. However, with this clearly stated, at this time we do not know yet how God may want to use all of our gifts, developed through healthy relationships, to further impact the Kingdom of God.
Will we have a church constitution, be incorporated or somehow be able to have control of our own property and equipment or does everything become theirs?
As we just discussed, a merger is not being considered at this time. Living Faith would continue to operate and function under its current ministry and leadership model. If you are interested in seeing a copy of our current constitution please contact us and we will happily share this with you..
If we make this move what will change?
Change is of course inevitable in all of our lives. To avoid change is to avoid spiritual growth. Our spiritual act of worship then is to choose and participate in the changes God wants to make in our lives and in the world around us. With this truth in mind, we expect that changes will be progressive. Simple changes with immediate impact involve parking and adapting to and creating a worship space that expresses "us".
As an expressional community of faith, changes thereafter are always most impacted by the lives of those participating and serving Jesus by relating among us. The nature of our relationships change everytime our relationships change. When a new expression of Jesus is shared we change as a community. When we lose an expression of Jesus among us, we change as a community.
Will we have to hold our Sunday morning gathering at 6 a.m.?
Our Sunday morning gathering time would change slightly to a 10:30am start time. The impacting factor to consider as a community would be less about a change in gathering time and more about our need for a firmly established start and end time. We would continue to gather for community shortly after 10:00am as usual but out of serving the church as a whole we would need to make a commitment to hold our gatherings to a stated time commitment.
How many weeks until we can we move the pews out, buy chairs and change the lighting to create a softer atmosphere for worship?
Working to create an environment that expresses us as a faith community is very important to us. We are constantly thinking about how we can do this. Currently, although we will be able to make some changes, the lack of resources will play a limiting role on how much we can do at this time. It would be our goal however, over the upcoming years, to make this facility a home where those searching for Jesus would feel very comfortable to connect and become friends with those who know Jesus.
Do we have to use the King James Version of the Bible?
You may certainly continue to use whatever translation of the Bible you choose. As an empowered follower of Jesus we want you to fall in love with Jesus and his word. There are many translations that you may find with varying degrees of understanding and preference. Read whichever you like. Nick usually gives his talks using the English Standards Version (ESV). If the King James Version is used on occasion it is only a coincidence and the preference of the user.
Will Nick still be the primary communicator on Sunday mornings?
At Living Faith it is our core value that every follower of Jesus would have a place to express Jesus' work in their lives by sharing their gifts with one another. Along with Nick continuing to share his gift at Living Faith, we will always continue to find ways for others to actively share as well.
Are we allowed to take our coffee into our worship space?
We want Sunday morning to be a place of rest and encouragement for all of us. One way we do this is by trying to create an environment where you can be you! Please feel welcomed to grab a cup of coffee at the coffee bar when you arrive or bring your own. In fact, bring whatever you would like. All we ask is that you please leave your pets at home.
I guess our worship team wouldn’t be able to practice or warm-up until the 9:00am Sunday traditional service ends?
Yes, it is true that in sharing this facility we will have to create new ways to practice, connect, share, and serve. As it pertains to our worship teams, the facility is certainly large enough for Living Faith to utilize other parts of the building which we can call our own. This is where we could utilize space for worship practice, small groups, training events, etc.
What will happen to the Rabbit and the Dragonfly if we move?
Living Faith has been faithful and extremely successful in networking, serving, equipping, and empowering others who have been identified as lovers of Jesus to express Jesus in this current ministry setting. This has been one of Living Faith's strengths. We have many reasons to believe that what has been birthed under our initiative and care will continue under their own working agreements and relationships to impact the city in more ways than we will ever know.
Is there a quality AV system involved with the sound system?
Although there has been some discussion around this need, a final solution nor budget has yet to be proposed. Our equipment at Living Faith is showing signs of wear and we recognize that there is a need to replace and upgrade it to meet our needs.
Will the WiFi code remain the same?
The wifi code can be whatever we would like it to be. Please share your suggestions.
Have more questions? Feel free to submit them here.